Magic, Healing, and Religion Workshop
Date: May 26, 2021 - 10:00 am-3:40 pm
This workshop proposes an interdisciplinary and inter-religious approach to healing in religious traditions. Religious healing can be syncretic between traditions, relegated to the margins of official religion, or use non-mechanical logics to address imbalances of body, spirit, and social identity. By comparing religions, and by fostering dialogue between different fields, we hope to understand the relationship between religion, science, magic, and healing.
Watch the Workshop
A 14th century miniature. Distributing the matzot and sweetmeat during passover. Image via the British Library.
“Food That Revives: Healing Rituals in Ancient Jewish Texts”
11:00 AM-11:40 AM
Presented by Dr. Hanna Tervanotko and Katharine Fitzgerald
“Dangers to the Body and Mind Caused by Meditation in the Chinese Buddhist Tradition”
1:00 PM-1:40 PM
Presented by Dr. James Benn
Ancient incantation bowl from Babylonia. Image via the Penn Museum.
“Kabbalists, Sufis, and Solomon’s Magic Ring: Magic Healing Amulets as a History of Judeo-Islamic Exchange in Morocco and Islamic Spain”
1:40 PM-2:20 PM
Presented by Dr. Ellen Amster
“The Alchemy of Ritual and Words: Healing Grief in Contemporary Japan”
2:20 PM-3:00 PM
Presented by Dr. Mark Rowe.
Caring for the Dead in Contemporary Japan. Image via Dr. Mark Rowe.
A traditional 'Bonesetter' healer from Brittany. Image via "Bonjour From Brittany"
“Laer Amann, Guérisseurs, Priests and Prayers”
3:00 PM-3:40 PM
Presented by Dr. Ellen Badone
Keynote Address
Healing Is Believing: Medical Magic between Science and Religion
It is well known that premodern Western medicine, Islamic, Jewish and Christian, was primarily Galenic and Avicennan. Less well known is the fact that it was also often occult. As a rule, physicians and pharmacologists sought to extrapolate from visible to nonvisible data, harness mind-matter and mind-mind interactions and activate cosmic correspondences in diagnosing and treating disease. Other occult sciences like alchemy, astrology and geomancy were routinely utilized as well. Of course, most Western and Westernized physicians today scorn the occult as religious superstition, hence fundamentally opposed to science. Yet they still acknowledge the placebo effect—a form of magic by any premodern definition—as one of the most powerful in modern medicine, and certain forms of “alternative medicine” such as acupuncture and homeopathy are now insurable. To help decolonize the historiography of premodern medical traditions, Western or otherwise, I propose that we dispense with outmoded nineteenth-century materialist cosmology to reconceive of modern medical practice as sometimes technically occult too.